Storm Watch!

It was four AM,

outside the lightening flashing,

and the thunder crashing.

The rain came down first,

then the strong wind blew,

the air temperature became cooler,

now the hail begins to bounce off everything;

We are in the middle of the storm.

I was safely inside my shelter,

snuggled in my blanket cozy and warm.

I think of the terrible spiritual storms

sometimes we have storms whirling inside;

but we have a shelter, a refuge, a harbour of rest,

our Lord and Saviour provides and no matter the storms,

how hard they blow into the shelter of Jesus’s arms we can go!

~Winston Staples

About wint68,70pluswint

I am married, have four lovely children , five grandchildren and 2 Great Grandchildren. I love gospel music and to write poetry as a hobby. I love animals such as dogs, and white tailed deer. I love good clean humour. In 1958 I became a believer in Christ and have been a new man and walk a new road guided by the holy spirit! My dear wife passed on Sept.12, 2020.
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